Local Insight data platform

Explore data from a range of sources on a map or tabular dashboard via our subscription to Local Insight

The Local Insight tool, designed and developed by OCSI (Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion), enables us to look at open source data (including Census Data from 2011 and 2021) overlaid with geographical boundaries of your choice.

Read more about Local Insight here.


You can explore data by selecting a data indicator organised in a range of category options.


 Local insight screenshot of map view with list of data indicators


Download a list of data indicators available (updated Jan 2023, Excel file download)


Then explore an indicator overlaid by your choice of geographical boundaries, including at borough level.


Local insight map view with universal credit data hotspots


Some indicators are available at Ward level too.  


Local insight ward level map view


For many indicators, data is available at smaller geographies - the maps here show the Lower Super Output Area boundaries.  You can hover over each of these and see the name and data value for each.


You can click on ‘About the indicator’ to get specific information about the source of the data and importantly, the published date.


Local insight about the indicator screenshot


You can see the data for your chosen geographical area compared to England, London-wide and other boroughs in a downloadable table format.


Local insight tabular comparison screenshot


Or you can create a Dashboard and see your data compared using colours to demonstrate high, medium and low.


Local insight dashboard view showing comparisons across London



Superhighways has subscription for the Local Insight Tool and can arrange a one-to-one with small charities and community organisations working in London, to look at these data indicators relating to a geography of your choice.

Please fill in this short form to arrange a one-to-one with us, giving as much information as possible about what you would like to explore and at what geographies, to give us some time to prepare in advance.