CRM: Stick or Twist workshop

Overview and slides demonstrating our work helping small charities make choices and build Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems

On 27 November 2023 we launched the Small Charity Data Journeys research report, holding a series of workshops to delve deeper into findings and explore ways of working.

CRM: Stick or Twist was a chance for us to share the work we've been doing supporting small charities to:

  • make choices about CRMs
  • use low code no code applications to build systems
  • convene peer spaces to share learning. 

CRM: Stick or Twist slides

You can also download the slides as a PDF.


Next steps

We plan to set up a working group to look at feasible ways we might work together to help charities through their CRM journey - hoping to involve a range of stakeholders including funders, infrastructure organisations, data support providers and of course the charities themselves.

In the workshop we identified a range of ideas we can explore:

  • Help guide charities through the morass of information out there
  • Bring together all resources around databases into one space 
  • Help create a way of evaluating the huge number of different solutions
  • Create a questionnaire for database providers to complete & collate the results in an online database everyone can access
  • Help make people aware of the options and reduce time spent on looking at different systems
  • Hold online workshops where database providers can demo how their product works (standardising what they are showing so like for like comparisons can be made)

Everyone was keen to continue the conversations and work together in future.

We’d love more people to get involved so please get in touch with if you’d like to find out more, suggest any other ideas and join us in taking this forward.