Data about the sector workshop

Workshop overview and slides explains how we are supporting better collection and standardisation of data about the sector in London

On 27 November 2023 we launched the Small Charity Data Journeys research report, holding a series of workshops to delve deeper into findings and explore ways of working.

In Data about the sector, we talked through work that we've been doing over the last year or so and encouraged the mix of funders, infrastructure organisations and data support providers in the workshop to:

  • Share other initiatives they are aware of we should link with
  • Let us know if they are interested in working together in future
  • Share ideas for collective next steps

Data about the sector slides

Download Data about the sector slides

Watch the demo of our PowerBI prototype

Next steps

Actions we'll be taking as a result of the workshop include:

  • Following up with Plinth to look at their new Discover tool
  • Find out more about the example shared where Services have been added to Charity Commission returns in Israel using Open Referral standards


If you'd like to discuss how we can work together to open up data about the sector and / or would like to join a Community of Practice - please contact